Western Rattlesnake |
Red Diamond Rattlesnake |
Like all pit vipers, rattlesnakes are equipped with an exceptional set of sensory organs that help them locate prey. These include pits at the tip of their nose to sense thermal radiation from warm-blooded animals, eyes adapted to nocturnal use, and a keen sense of smell from both nostrils and sensory tissues on their tongues.
Once a prey animal is located, rattlesnakes use their quick striking ability and fangs to inject powerful hemotoxic venoms. The venom travels through the blood of the prey, causing intense swelling, pain, and tissue damage. The main prey of Puente Hills rattlers are rabbits, squirrels, rats, birds, lizards, and some insects. Though rattlesnakes are effective predators themselves, they are also heavily preyed upon by hawks, crows, foxes, raccoons, and coyotes. Thus, the ecological significance of rattlesnakes is large as they help to regulate rodent populations and provide food for other native Puente Hills species.
Although rattlesnakes are dangerous, the likelihood of being bit is very low. If you see a snake, stay calm and slowly move away. Remember to stay on designated trails within the Preserve and scan the trail ahead. If a snake is directly in the path, keeping a safe distance and stomping your feet is usually enough to coax the rattlesnake to sun in a new spot. In the case of a snakebite, do not panic! Remove all rings, watches, and anything else in the area of the wound that may restrict blood flow. Remain calm and call 911 immediately. If treated promptly, rattlesnake bites are almost never fatal. You are more likely to be struck by lightning than to be bit by a rattlesnake.
So when on the trails, keep an eye out for this important part of the Puente Hills ecosystem and watch your step!